Friday, February 22, 2008

Random fun

I am in speech therapy twice a week and mom says I'm doing great! My therapist has ordered some new ear covers for the headphones I'm wearing, but meanwhile I get to sport what mom calls the Princess Leia look (think Star Wars). For some reason mommy finds this look quite hysterical!
Just me being silly!
If at first you don't succeed (in reaching the candy while mommy isn't looking)... try another chair, and another......

These may not look so big on your computer screen... but trust me, mommy says they are "scary big" (a phrase that did not exist in her world before I came along!) Oh and also she wants me to let everyone know we are now accepting donations to my shoe fund. Checks may be made payable to Big Foot... care of Big Foot's Mommy at Size 13 Avenue, Need New Shoes City, Florida. (not really, ha!)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Future Boy Scout?

Here I am practicing the boy scout motto... "be prepared". You just never know when you may need a granola bar or maybe even a watch, so always have a few things stashed under your hat!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

What's missing?

Can you guess what is missing in these pictures?

Hint #1: Mommy says it may be missing, but it is not missed!

Hint #2: Missing them will save us about $3.00/day

Hint #3: They can be smelly

Hint #4: They are for babies... not big
kids like me!

Yep.. you guessed it - No More Diapers For Me :)

Saturday, February 2, 2008

New Library

These pictures were taken at our brand new library. It is a great place to go read a book, enjoy storytime, sit out on the veranda overlooking the lake, or have a cup of coffee/hot chocolate at the cafe. It's quite a place to see and we love it!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Festival Fun

We went to a Greek Festival last weekend and as you can see.... it was no fun at all!

Nope... not having fun here!

Andrew had a hard time choosing between this cool red jeep,
and the pink car with the three beautiful girls in it (look in
the background). But in the end, coolness beat beauty I guess!

Andrew and daddy had great fun playing this - and they made
a great team and won a lovely stuffed red heart for mommy :)