Thursday, August 28, 2008

Letters, letters everywhere and lots of words to spell

Ok.. so Andrew has a bit of an obsession with alphabet letters and building words out of them - I keep telling myself this is a good thing after I have spelled out my 100th word by mid afternoon, He takes his letters with him everywhere.. to the store, to bed, into the bathtub, at the table while he eats.  If this keeps up I'm thinking we may need an intervention!  kidding of course :)


Monday, August 18, 2008

School Daze

Andrew had his first day of school today!  He started a speech program at a local elementary school and will be attending two mornings a week from 8:00 - 10:30.   He was such a big boy when his teacher came to get him and walk him to his classroom, no tears and no fuss.  And how did I do you ask?  lets just say lots of tears and lots of fuss!  thankfully only after he disappeared into the school building.  But I recovered after a teary phone call to my sister and another to my mom :)  Andrew had a great time and is looking forward to going back, so all is well. 

Here is our growing up too fast little boy on his first day of school .

First day school 


And the ever important "Disney Cars themed"  brand new backpack of course. This was actually the first pose he gave me, but I thought I'd like to preserve the memory of how HE looked on the first day... not just his backpack, LOL.

 First day school backpack view









This is the inside of his classroom, this was taken during the school open house last week.  The two boys are giving "Buzz Lightyear" a ride in the Barbie jeep!   Not sure that would have been Buzz's choice of transportation, LOL.

Andrew classroom

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Summer Splash

The smile on his face pretty much says it all.


Andrew in pool