This is my first attempt at It's Not Me Monday! A funny way to set the record straight. For a full explanation and to participate, check out my charming kids blog.
This week, I did NOT do the following things.
1. I did not lower the hurricane awning down over the window that is in Andrew’s bedroom in order to disguise the fact that due to the end of daylight savings time sunlight would now be streaming into his room an hour earlier – in the hopes that he would not feel compelled to get up an hour earlier! I did not take into account that he has apparently gotten smarter since last year and was not about to fall for it again.
2. I did not quickly throw a pair of jeans on Andrew to take him to the pediatricians office only to discover once I was there that I’d neglected to put any underwear on him! Thankfully he was just there to check for an ear infection and until just now this was an oversight known to no one else… well except for Andrew!
3. I did not borrow a pair of socks from Andrew (who is three years old) because I ran out of my own. I mean whose three year old has such big feet that I could get away with this? And by the way, Andrew does not wear a size 1 shoe and is not 44 inches tall, and does not weigh 52 lbs. That would be crazy right?
4. I did not string clothesline around my gazebo in the great clothesline experiment to see if we could actually save money on our electric bill every month by not using our dryer. And I did not tell my husband that we would look younger from all the exfoliating our now less than soft line dried towels would do!
5. I did not just see a gasoline price of only 2.29/gallon and declare it to be really cheap, and get really excited about it - because that would mean that I am so used to insanely high prices that what used to be considered expensive, is now in fact cheap!