Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas Daze

Wow, how quickly did Christmas go by?  We had a great time this year watching how excited Andrew was.  This is the first year he really got into the whole experience.


If you are thinking the smile on his face says "I'm doing something devious" you would be right, LOL.  Here he is "helping" daddy put up the Christmas lights by unscrewing the light bulbs - apparently hysterically funny when you are three!

Lights up

Doesn't he look all sweet and innocent?  Andrew has been quite fascinated with the alphabet this year so in honor of that we spent a morning making alphabet letter ornaments out of salt dough.  Look closely and you'll see them on the tree.

Christmas tree - Andrew

"Happy Family" - Andrew loves to pull us all into a group hug while he says "Happy Family!" or sometimes he calls it an Andrew sandwich, LOL.  This isn't exactly the close hug that inspires the "happy family" saying, but it's a good Christmas pic anyway :)

Christmas tree - family

Leaving some oats and glitter out for the reindeer to spot :)

Reindeer oats and glitter

Milk and cookies for Santa --- or were they for Andrew? He didn't look too sure!

Santa - milk and cookies

Coming down the hall Christmas morning :)

Christmas morning - coming down hall

Opening one of his bigger presents - geotrax train set.

Christmas present - geotrax

Opening the gift he requested from "Santa" some Cars.

Christmas presents - opening mack

Playing with Geotrax - this is where he has been since opening it on Christmas.

Christmas - geotrax play

I could insert a dozen or so more pictures... but I think you've gotten enough, and have likely fallen asleep by now!  We hope everyone had a great Christmas spent with family and friends :)

Christmas Cookies

We spent an evening at Grandma Lynne's house baking and decorating Christmas cookies.  As you can see... Andrew and Grandma were taking their cookie baking rather seriously!

Cookies - grandma andrew cutting 

and did not make any mess at all

Cookies - grandma andrew flour 

Icing fun :)

cookies - andrew mommy icing3

Hey... it's a hard job, but someone had to do the taste testing!

Cookies - andrew taste test