Sunday, August 30, 2009

School days

Andrew started Pre-K at a Christian school a couple of weeks ago, and loves it!  Here are some pictures from his first day.

Uniform laid out and ready to go :)

First day - uniform ready no logo

Cereal and toast – yum :)  Cereal bowl with a built in straw – one of our favorite things!

First day BRCS - breakfast

Sheesh mom – enough with the pictures, can a boy just eat his breakfast in peace?

First day - enough pics

Off we go :)

First day BRCS

The bus drops him off on the Tues/Thursdays from the school he goes to for speech therapy.  He LOVES the bus :)  He wanted to ride it last year, but I was not ready for that yet, LOL.  So this year I decided to let him do it – and did I mention he loves it??



And what do you suppose happens after he gets home from a long day at school? Tuesday/Thursday he is gone from 7:30 to 2.  Maybe there is still a tiny bit of baby left in him :) I’d like to think so anyway!

After school nap