Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Help Needed

Could someone please help me figure out what my mom is expecting me to do with this colored stick thing she gave me??? Especially since she refuses to let me eat it.

Confused in Florida


  1. Hey Andrew, don't worry, you aren't missing a thing.........they don't taste very good anyway. I know 'cause I have tried them, and they all taste the same no matter what color they are.......I love you little buddy..............Auntie N

  2. Andrew, those things are good for making marks on things, but for eating? How do I know? Well, let's just say Auntie Jo has eaten many boxes of them in her life, and my mommy was always having to wash them out of my mouth! Purple ad orange teeth are not pretty! I love you little man!

  3. I'm sure Picasso sucked his crayons too... a masterpiece is just around the corner Andrew!
