Andrew, that's the kind of food you have to work hard to get! When I come down, how about we get grapes and strawberries and peaches and oranges and some other food we won't have to work so hard to for. With grapes, you eat the shell and all, and they really are better tasting. It is nice to have things growing around you, though, if you run out of money or daddy can't find his wallet! Love all of you down there!
I am a stay at home mom to two amazing kids - our six year old son Andrew and two year old Ethan. I am a wife to my hubby of 17 years - Chuck. God answered my prayer to be a mom (and our prayer to be parents) on Mother's Day 2005, when through the amazing journey of adoption Andrew Jeremiah was placed into our arms by a very special and courageous young lady. He answered our prayers again on November 29th, 2009 when an amazing young woman chose us to be Ethan's parents. This is about Andrew and Ethan's lives as kids and our lives as their mommy and daddy.
Andrew, that's the kind of food you have to work hard to get! When I come down, how about we get grapes and strawberries and peaches and oranges and some other food we won't have to work so hard to for. With grapes, you eat the shell and all, and they really are better tasting. It is nice to have things growing around you, though, if you run out of money or daddy can't find his wallet! Love all of you down there!