Saturday, August 11, 2007

Things I learned during my first trip to the barbershop

No matter how far back you lean...
the barber will follow you.

No one else seems worried that all
your hair is falling onto the floor.

A good cut can make a handsome fellow even
handsomer (well that's what my mommy says)


  1. What a big boy you are. And Mommy is right, you're a handsome boy, too. Grandpa says, "They didn't give me a sucker!" I guess he wasn't as big a boy as Andrew!

  2. Hi, Andrew! Your hair is very becoming to a young man as big as you are, and I really believe you are getting more of it! I like the curls. I'm so glad you went to visit Aunt Jenn and Alex and Rachel. You are almost as big as they are! Wow! What a handsome fellow! Tell Mommy to give you an "Auntie Jo Kiss." I love you, big guy!
