Sunday, June 11, 2006


Mommy and Daddy think this poster is very funny although they were not laughing when I gave myself the black eye! Mommy keeps mumbling something about buying a helmet.


  1. You're gonna have to let go of the end of the toilet paper at some point, Bandito, cause your leaving a trail that's real easy to follow.

  2. I have sent two smoke signals out to the tribal leaders that I know where you are! They can take you into captivity, and you can be given a warrant with a kiss, a warning with two kisses, or they can just let you go, if you promise to stay on the reservation except when officers Mom and dad are in attendance. You must be able to say: "Aunt Jo thinks I a handsome dude," before you can go
    out alone. And no more black eyes, Bandito! Aunt Jo loves you!

    10:45 PM
